Saturday, March 8, 2008


We had a great response to the recent Teleseminar on the topic of marketing. With about 244 questions sent ahead, there was no way we could cover all of them in the time alloted. for that reason, I'm going to address one question every day or so stay tuned and I hope I'll get to yours. Here's the first one:

Q - What is your opinion of self-publishing and should it ever be a first option?

A - I suggest that writers try the royalty publishers first, unless it is a book with an obviously limited market--such as a family history. If you find no royalty publishers are interested, then you might consider self-publishing if you have a very specific, targeted audience that you know you can reach with the book. If you have a well-developed speaking ministry or are tied to an organization with an obvious interest in your book, then self-publishing could be a good option. With wide distribution, a self-published book can actually net more income than you could make through a royalty publisher. It is almost impossible to sell a self-published novel--since there is typically no well-defined audience. I would consider it as a first option only if it is nonfiction and fits the parameters mentioned above. Or if you want just a few copies for family or friends--in whcih case print-on-demand might be your best option.

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